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Vacancies and Volunteering


There are currently no vacancies.

Volunteering Opportunities

GEWA offers a 12-week unpaid worker course which covers all aspects of working as a volunteer within GEWA and ensures that all women participating are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to progress to providing support to women on a crisis cover basis.

The Unpaid Worker course is divided into two stages; the first being the 12-week programme which introduces theories, facts, and debates about gender-based violence in contemporary society. The course also incorporates some skills-based practice to prepare volunteers for the next stage of the course (Stage 2), which involves providing a few hours a week of volunteering time. (Please note this is dependent on suitability and availability and is not guaranteed)

The course runs for two hours typically on a Wednesday from 10am-12pm. Women are required to complete the full course. There are typically 2 courses per year (late Summer and new year)

It is not essential that participants complete both stages – this is optional. However, we are an organisation that promotes volunteering as an excellent means of enhancing employment and educational opportunities and ultimately GEWA values the skills, knowledge, and diversity that unpaid workers bring to the service.

To participate in the volunteering course within GEWA simply call 0141 781 0230 or email [email protected] with your details.

Please note: Our UPW course are currently running online only at the moment.


We provide training to external organisations, professionals, educational institutions (staff and students) in Glasgow around gender-based violence and more specifically on domestic abuse. This explores the root causes of gender-based violence, the services we offer, what domestic abuse is, how to support women affected by domestic abuse and how to make a referral.

To discuss training opportunities for your organisation please contact Hannah Fletcher on 0141 781 0230 or [email protected].

Student placements

GEWA has excellent links with West of Scotland University, Caledonian University and University of Glasgow who offer the BA (Hons)/MSc Social Work. Students undertaking this course are of particular relevance to GEWA, since domestic abuse is increasingly the main reason Children and Young People are placed on the Child Protection Register.

Placements within GEWA prepare the students for the realities and complexities of working with families who are experiencing domestic abuse, and therein learn the strategies, interventions and approaches that GEWA promotes as best practice in terms of support.

Due to constraints on staff time and resources we can only accept students from our link universities. We apologise for this inconvenience.

If you need support, contact us now on our Crisis Line: 0141 781 0230